APS Student Handbook Links
Attendance Policy
Please call (505) 764-2020 to report you child absent or tardy.
- Make every effort to be on time and present every day! This gives your child the very best opportunity to learn and be successful in school. Students are considered tardy if they arrive after 7:35am, and will need to get a tardy slip from the office before going to class.
- The parent/guardian must notify the school each day a student is absent.
- Bring documentation of doctor’s visits or appointments to the office clerk when students return to school.
- After 5 unexcused absences, teachers make a referral to the counselor, and parents are required to attend an attendance meeting to sign an attendance contract.
- If a pattern of repeated absences continues, the school may make a home visit.
- After 10 unexcused absences, a referral will be made to The Children’s Court Liaison.
Dress Code
Dolores Gonzales has a student uniforms policy. Students should be in proper uniform every day. Any student not wearing a proper uniform will be sent to the nurses room, parents will be called and asked to bring the student a proper uniform.
- Polo Shirt (with collar) in any SOLID color
- Pants or Shorts are acceptable. They must contain no rips, tears, or holes. Shorts must pass the fingertips.
- Athletic shoes are required for P.E and Dance
Student Drop-Off and Pick-Up Procedures
AM: Starting at 7:15, students may enter through the front door and go outside to the playground. The first bell rings at 7:30, and students report to their assigned line spot by the cafeteria to await their teacher. At 7:35, the tardy bell rings, and classrooms proceed to begin instruction.
PM: Each classroom has a designated area for afternoon pickup. Parents pick up students from the teacher or duty person stationed there. All duty people wear vests so parents and students can identify them.
- Kindergarten in roundabout circle
- 1st - 2nd on 10th street (wait in kindergarten playground till pickup)
- 3rd - 5th in staff parking lot
- Bus: in front of school–wait in front of steps if bus has not arrived
- Students who go to RGEC will walk to (P-15B)
- Students who go to Barela’s will line up along the wall by the soccer field
- Students who get picked up by daycare will line up in the south hallway.
- Clubs – students stay with teacher, then report to the cafeteria at 2:35 to get their snack and wait for club leader